
Friday, March 02, 2007

Driving on the streets of HYD.. not for the faint hearted !

Since I am in the mood for video blogging., here's one video that I've been wanting to make from a long time., somebody's done it already and has done a good job. There's no stoppin this guy !


Anonymous said...

hey are you doing? long long time since we chat or talk..

just landed on ur blog..that video taking too much time thats why cudnt see it...hows life going on?

happy holi and all the best in life..


koendonovan said...

Oh my god! That is crazy! That's one adrenaline rush.

mydh said...

you know that kinda stuff can get you killed! or worse get you arrested!

on a totally different tangent though.. how do you like youtube? :D

barbi bharadwaj said...

OH my god, its night! i am streching myself to see this.

too tough on the road..

f said...

Hey,thats a great video.Me too from hyderbad.
Hyd Rocks !!