
Saturday, September 30, 2006


Last nite was Rohit's Bday dinner and it was just us three ., the trinity and another friend Roopi. Yest was lot of fun coz instead of havin to rush on time we were allowed to come late coz of a few reasons. It is a good place with usually good food BUT yesterday. But still., we had lots of food., lots of laughing , a few serious discussions., and some tasty icecream., now THAT's fun !

Boy ! Is stayin away 4m the net hard or wat !? I'm here blogging., so obviously am not doing a good job at it. Well., the internet has soo been a part of my life that there's no way i'm gonna totally quit it.., no way ! I hav other more imp commitments rite now than just stay online., listen to music and keep askin my friends the two same old boring words " What else?". When there's nothin else., i'd rather go do somethin more imp rite ? With that said., i shud probably be getting back to my work. You hav fun., while I slog on my books. I'll have my time too..., soon HeHeHe HaHaHa

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