
Monday, August 01, 2005

Wow ! its been 20 long years since i've set foot on this Earth ! not literally.., but., u know, get the point right ?2day was probably the most ordinary Birthday-days of my life..,but 2day was also one of the must fun-normal-days ! Decided not to attend college 2day for many reasons., Bday is always a bigdeal anywhere, be it school or college.,one thing that does not surprise me is more ppl wishin me Bday wishes followed by "party kab hain ?" !!!Not that I wanna escape treating my friends but., i want 2 escape the situation where I'm asked to treat and I am not able to .Anyways.., i'd ask anyone to gimme atleast 2 valid reasons for me being born to b such a big deal that I have to treat them !
Although I'm not a party guy ., this is not the kinda Bday I wanted. My Idea of a good Bday or any day wud b to relax some place with my good friends with some good food and most important.., have lots of talkin n joking and good bonding. I did have all that the day before the Birthday though..,and it was gr8 ! One of those days in my life that I'll neva 4get., and I mean it., wish I had a cam to "capture the kodak moments" .., I have no pics from this Bday but I'll put up a pic from my first Bday grand party held at Hotel Dwaraka ( HYD)..,
I'm very very sad bout my best friends from school 4getting my Bday., but wat made up for it that many of my new friends had wished me., some even at midnight., very sweet of them to do that ! I didnt get any cards 2day., I dont blame anyone though., all the friends who knew me and My Bday know that I think it better wishing in person that writing it down on some card ., and all those new to me., well., they're new.,they prob have good reasons for it.,they better do ! :P Same time., Same day., next year., No one knows where I'll be ., where you'll be., where anyone wud b ! If I could spend one day with all the friends dear to me the same day every year .., there's nothin more in life I wud want .., hmm., may b a good house and a good wife..., but they all come AFTER my friends...,

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