Hellova !
'ssup wid u da? Watchu bin up2 da? I jus saw dis new trend goin on wid da yungstrs , da new lingo. Idz pretty pplr and many thnk itz kewl. It prb'ly is coz it savs tym skippin' alphabets in between. LOL ! Its mo popular wid da gals but us guyz kinda use it too. BTW i heard 4m mah frnz dat som skools in da US r considerin' usin' dis lingo as an official language coz da kids r mo used 2 dis n wul sav tym rytin' Xams dis way. Funny thinkin' dat dese kids wul grow up sayin' dere prayers and formal speeches in da gansta style. LMAO !
Ye, me use dis lingo too, but me don eat up half da wrds ! Da lazy ppl do it da best ! I say sumthin n they say kk.., n I'm lyk.., "ye.., wat ?U called me ?" ROTFLMAO ! S ! Dis has hppnd a lotta tyms. Some lazy bums don even say the 'k' twice, 1'ce wul suffice coz dere finger has 2 move all da way to da 'O' 4m da 'K'. k.., no prbs ., I get da point !
Itz also interestin' to C how da same gurls who send us a lovin' friendly kiss muuuaaaah modify that into a devilish laugh., muaahahahahaa ! when they kid with us. Me is one guy who rele cant talk much n 'wat else' r mah 2 fav words. Some gurls rele get pissed off wen i say that a lot, but hey.. dat's wot I'm lyk ! Hey., nature's call.., brb ;)
..... ( inspite of so many dots., I rele didnt take much time)
I'm bak! So wots with all dis new lingo takin' ova da world ? IMO , itz 1 way of soundin' cool weder u r or not. As long as id's hurtin no one, id's perfectly fyn and fun too ! Just take care u don' overdo it. V all know dat U don' speak lyk dat in real lyf. U don' wanna b remembered as pamela anderson as she is for her overly too-too ..... smile !? BTW If u ve felt lyk dis post ws targetted @ u.., den I'm sowwiee .., NOT ! Don feel dat way coz almst everybody else feels d same way. Okies den, tym 4 me to crash., to hit the sack., to kip down., to sack out., to turn in ., hit the hay to crawl in ! G2G yaa ! Bye yaa !
tht word 'hellova' looks like i heard it somewhere!
btw u use shortforms too buddy! [in this particular blog itself there r 20 odd ones] ;)
who doesnt...hmm??
@ ithinkthereforeiam : My dear., there are more than 20 and they are there on purpose. To make it obvious about their usage !? ;)
"Gangsta" style. I believe your refering to Ebonics my friend. First of all they have been saying that for years. It won't happen. Secondly, that is incredibly annoying. People have been using that for instant messaging for years now, nothing new. Reason I'm never on AIM lol
i use most of dem.., neva a compalint though :p...,
i understand...
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