Saturday, October 28, 2006
Sona is good 4 the ears...,
It's got 8 original songs and two remixes ( The fever's reached here too !) few of which are my real favourites and are always on my playlist. Kind of reminds me of the 1998-2003-4 era where I believe Indipop was at its best with albums of artists like KK, Shaan, Leslie Lewis, Lucky Ali n a few others. That's becoz the lyrics are simple and not just 'I love u., u love me' kind. They've got depth as in their meaning and a whole different feel in each song.
The hit single 'Bolo na', that's being aired on TV is a slow melody with a kind of alternate rock feel to it with really gr8 lyrics., somethin like I've never heard before and so is one of my fav. Another song is 'Sapne', the one u can listen to here which has a real gr8 message that 'its always imp to have dreams'. 'Aaja Ve' is another good fun teasy-romantic kinda song. This one has the Ram Sampath ( music composer for this album ) feel to it.
The best thing about this album is it really sounds like Indian Pop and not too westernized. If you enjoy good music and are too tired surfing channels for a good song to treat your ears to., switch off the tv and go get this album. By the way.., hope I dont get screwed or sued for putting the song here., but if u like the song., u really gotto buy the album.
Wednesday, October 25, 2006
2day I wanted to mobile blog. God bless my service provider for the 1 paise sms that I started sending 'sms blog posts' to my friends with a touch of rhyming words. God again bless my friends who were patient enuf to even comment ! I've got some cool friends ! Few didnt even want me to stop ! But all good things shud come to an end and so must this post. Never make ur friends feel alone as long as u're there 4 them., so whenever u're bored.., bug ur friends !
Monday, October 23, 2006
Breakfast and lunch was tasty today., but dinner was a lil' heavy. Supply-demand also has an effect on the prices. That's y today's food was not only tasty., it was costlier than yesterday! Was not really a productive day. Spend most of my day outside idling away time. Travelling by bike is becoming a pain in the ass coz of the crappy hyderabadi traffic and roads that look like a warzone. But still the comfort of travelling on your own is better than the overcrowded public transport with those tiny seats. Long live my bike ! Somebody lend me some money so that I can get new shocks for it.
Sunday, October 22, 2006
I'm kind of getting bored of family functions. Same old ppl who always ask me what I'm studying even if I answered that question on our previous meet just a week ago. Same traditional food. Uncles sitting around in groups and cracking jokes.,if they can be called jokes. I do laugh but coz they all are. Can't find anyone from my age grp., coz they all got permission to stay home n escape the boredom. I'm not so lucky. I don't hate family functions. I'm just too bored of them.
Friday, October 20, 2006
I wish all my blog readers.., the regular ones and the curious ones that have dropped by to check my blog out and even those that had no clue that they were coming here and also all my friends that I forced here to .... A Very Happy Diwali. May godess Lakshmi be happy with all the puja and maska that you offered and may she bless you with all the money u asked for along with the happiness., harmoney etc etc too. Hope you had a lot of calorie stuffed sweets and liked those three pairs of dresses that you bought for diwali when you actually wear just one.
Play safe with crackers. Rockets are for soaring high into the sky and not to aim at somebody like G-I-Joe n take their eye out. Bombs have a sole puspose in life., to self destruct and destroy. Dont throw them in the air with your hands. You are not a 1980's hero and those are not grape fruits that you will throw at the heroine's tummy.
Diwali or any of the tens of festivals we have in India have one thing in common. All family and friends comin together to catch up with each other and have some good fun. Crackers or no crackers., sweets or no sweets. Make sure you don't miss out on the fun part.
Thursday, October 19, 2006
Dreams unlimited....
I want to wake up to a day with no chores and a lot of friends to catch up and party with.
I dream of singing 'Tu Jahan' to my girlfriend.
I dream of having a girlfriend in the first place.
'Papa kehthey hain' is my song. I wanna live up to it.
Though I secretly wish to be the world's most popular person ( I donno 4 wat) ., I would be satisfied if meeting or talking to me would bring a smile to ppl's faces.
Frankly I cannot help everybody in the world., but I would do everything I can to see all my friends always smile.
Reaching the top position and staying there is prob'ly the toughest thing to do in any field., I wanna be the second best in everything I do.
Sometime in my life I wanna do something different from everybody else and want everybody to be proud of me for being good at that.
The best compliment I got would be "I trust you"., especially if that came from a girl.
I am waiting for some special girl to walk into my life and change it for ever.., for the better.
I really like to learn. I wish I get teachers that really like to teach.
I wanna be at a high position (second high) of a company and overhear my employees talk about me as if they worship me.
I really like to sing., I wish I had a better voice.
I am still waiting for my dream friends group with 2-3 guys and 2-3 girls who trust each other with their lives.., trust is the keyword.
I'm still waiting 4 a lot of things to happen.
I like to dream.., dreams give you things that you haven't got or don't get in ur real life. Dreams give you motivation and inspiration. Dreams dig out things hidden deep inside your mind that you weren't aware of. Dream as much as you can., enjoy your dreams., treasure them. Dream on, dream on, Dream until your dream come true ...,
Wednesday, October 18, 2006
Is it bad to be a lil selfish... ? I guess not ! I'm happy !
Times change.., many things change with time., ppl around you change with time. Wat do you do ? Nature's provided you with the answer n it has worked for thousands of years. You evolve.., you adopt. I've been in that process for sometime now., knowingly or unknowingly I've been evolving. Mite sound a lil unscrupulous., but in today's world the evolution principle of 'survival of the fittest' has became really important and that is to live a lil selfishly.
Be generous and give something to others and they'll keep asking for more. Not just materialistic things but emotional stuff like your love and attention. Some ppl are never satisfied. Try to be a goodie-goodie and before you know they're the centre of your universe and ur life revolves around them. I'm not advising you against this.., just do it for those who really really deserve it.
As far as charity goes., I'm not an extremely generous guy but I'm not stingy or a penny pinching guy. I'm a practically generous guy. I say give away when you have just enough for yourself. Yes u can argue against it saying all nice stuff but hey... that's how I think.
I was very nice to everybody and NEVER lost my temper n wat do I get in return ? Ppl took advantage of the fact that there's nothing that would make me angry and I would just shut up at everything they do. They made me wait at meets., never listened to me., played some real cruel jokes with me., took me for granted in everything. Friends can have that liberty with me alrite but everything.., EVERYTHING has a limit. I've had enuf and I've evolved to the situation. I speak my mind out now. I express my anger., sadness., dissapointment and annoyance when and where I need to. Sure some sparks fly but there is no fire. They'd prob'ly feet a lil' bad., but so do I and the best part is that these kinds things don't happen again.
Did I help everybody who asked for help ? Yes, I did. Do I still do ? Well.., to most of them ! Those few who were excluded during the evolution process are 'takers' and not givers. I dont help others for something else in return. Least I can expect in return is appreciation. Don't even have to say thanks.., there are other ways of showing it. I know some ppl who after doing a lot for them shamelessly ask me what I did for them. They deserve a slap rite accross the face but my moral ethics hold me back. Gratitude is what seperates humans from chimps and those who don't have it should be picking fleas from others backs n eating bananas.
Friends.., good friends.., best friends. I never had these 'classifications' all my life.., untill recently. All my life I treated all my friends the same., the only diff being spending more time with a few than others., which I couldt really do much about. I treated everybody like my closefriends. God gave me this gift that ppl easily confide in me. I've always mistook that trust to be a sign of them being my close friends n it hit me hard when I knew it wasn't true. Call somebody your best friend and the other person sometimes doesnt even wanna talk or meet you coz their priority is somebody else., that could be one of the worst feeling you can have.
You get what you give .... as far as your love.,attention and care for somebody goes., I say give what you can get back. I've given too much attention and care to a few ppl. I don't regret it but it's sad that I didnt get back as much.
Live life ( jussssssst a lil selfishly) .... Love life ( a lot selfishly ) !!!
Tuesday, October 17, 2006
The hate award... or shud I say.. the award hate ?
Saturday, October 14, 2006
'Ssup guys ???
'ssup wid u da? Watchu bin up2 da? I jus saw dis new trend goin on wid da yungstrs , da new lingo. Idz pretty pplr and many thnk itz kewl. It prb'ly is coz it savs tym skippin' alphabets in between. LOL ! Its mo popular wid da gals but us guyz kinda use it too. BTW i heard 4m mah frnz dat som skools in da US r considerin' usin' dis lingo as an official language coz da kids r mo used 2 dis n wul sav tym rytin' Xams dis way. Funny thinkin' dat dese kids wul grow up sayin' dere prayers and formal speeches in da gansta style. LMAO !
Ye, me use dis lingo too, but me don eat up half da wrds ! Da lazy ppl do it da best ! I say sumthin n they say kk.., n I'm lyk.., "ye.., wat ?U called me ?" ROTFLMAO ! S ! Dis has hppnd a lotta tyms. Some lazy bums don even say the 'k' twice, 1'ce wul suffice coz dere finger has 2 move all da way to da 'O' 4m da 'K'. k.., no prbs ., I get da point !
Itz also interestin' to C how da same gurls who send us a lovin' friendly kiss muuuaaaah modify that into a devilish laugh., muaahahahahaa ! when they kid with us. Me is one guy who rele cant talk much n 'wat else' r mah 2 fav words. Some gurls rele get pissed off wen i say that a lot, but hey.. dat's wot I'm lyk ! Hey., nature's call.., brb ;)
..... ( inspite of so many dots., I rele didnt take much time)
I'm bak! So wots with all dis new lingo takin' ova da world ? IMO , itz 1 way of soundin' cool weder u r or not. As long as id's hurtin no one, id's perfectly fyn and fun too ! Just take care u don' overdo it. V all know dat U don' speak lyk dat in real lyf. U don' wanna b remembered as pamela anderson as she is for her overly too-too ..... smile !? BTW If u ve felt lyk dis post ws targetted @ u.., den I'm sowwiee .., NOT ! Don feel dat way coz almst everybody else feels d same way. Okies den, tym 4 me to crash., to hit the sack., to kip down., to sack out., to turn in ., hit the hay to crawl in ! G2G yaa ! Bye yaa !
Wednesday, October 11, 2006
Welcome to the world of optimism..,
~None of my frnds mssg'd or called me today.., my closest ones mite come home 2mrw.
~Nothin interesting is on tv now.., my fav movie mite be on in an hour or so.
~It's too hot outside to go out.., evening could have the best weather I've ever seen.
~I didnt make it thru this interview.., the next employer could be the one who'd worship me.
~I've missed the bus.., the next one's on its way.
~I didnt win the lottery.., I'm gonna save a fortune learning from this experience.
~My good friend hurt me real bad.., time to find my real 'good friend'.
~My last exam was a 'failure'.., may be this is my 'stepping stone to success'.
~I didnt clear the entrance exam.., I'm destined for something better.
~My girlfriend's cheating behind my back.., good for her that she found her true love n good for me coz I know of this.
~My dad thinks I'm good for 'nothing'.., he doesnt know I'm the best at 'something'.
~I'm loosing a lot of my hair.., bald is prob'ly 'my look'.
~I love music but I got a bad voice.., guitar is prob'ly where I ROCK !
~Small nations are going nuclear.., rest of the world is uniting to stop them.., UNITING.
~Terrorists are creating havoc.., govt's are FINALLY doing something about them.
The left half of every line are not really my problems.., but the right half is how I would look at them. Crying., sulking or complaining don't solve problems., they create new ones. If this has excited even one nerve cell in ur brain., I welcome you to the world of optimism., I welcome you to my world....,
Monday, October 09, 2006
Sunday Brunch(es)...,
After that.., was somethin diff from routine. I'm out the rest of the day eating n eating. Funny and kind of humiliating part was that I went to the same place twice with the same clothes on. I was expecting the guy at the door to say "Welcome sir.., again" !

So., enuf talk., here's just half of wat we had today and half of 'we'. Click for larger., yummier pics.
Thursday, October 05, 2006
Guys Rule ! I mean., Guy's Rules...
The Guys' Rules .
A guy who had taken the time to write down the Guy's rules has inspired me to write down some here too and these are some points that i wanted to put on my blog for quite sometime. We always hear “the rules "From the female side.
Now here are the rules from the male side. These are our rules!Please note.. These are all numbered "1" ON PURPOSE!
1. Men are NOT mind readers. Ask for what you want.Let us be clear on this one: Subtle hints do not work!Strong hints do not work!Obvious hints do not work!Just say it!
1. Crying is blackmail.
1. Yes and No are perfectly acceptable answers to almost every question.
1. Come to us with a problem only if you want help solving it. That's what we do and we do it good. Sympathy is what your girlfriends are for.
1. Anything we said 6 months ago cannot be used in an argument. The validity of all comments expire after 7 Days.
1. If you think you're fat, may b u are.Can't and don't ask us.
1. If something we said can be interpreted two ways and one of the ways makes you sad or angry, we obviously meant the other one. It's true.
1. You can either ask us to do something or tell us how you want it done. Not both. If you already wat's best then plz follow suit. Simple !
1. Christopher Columbus did NOT need directions and neither do we.
1. ALL men see only colors, not shades. Peach or onion pink or Lavender, for examples, are flora and fauna, not colors.
1. If it itches, it will be scratched.We do that.
1. If we ask what is wrong and you say "nothing," We will act like nothing's wrong. We know you are lying, but it is just not worth the hassle. So don't lie to us.
1. If you ask a question you don't want an answer to, expect an answer you don't want to hear.
1. When we have to go somewhere, absolutely anything you wear is fine.., Really.
1. Don't ask us what we're thinking about unless you are prepared to discuss such topics as football, video games, or bikes.
1. You have enough clothes. Yes, u do. You have too many shoes. Yes again, u do.
1. I am in shape and Round IS a shape!
1. I do not talk double talk., if I said somethin., I said exactly wat it means. Don't dig too deep for double meanings.
1. I am a frank guy, sweet talk is not what I pretend., it is comes naturally to me.
1. I too, cannot read minds. If you want a point to get accross to me., just TELL ME ! No hints or signs.
1. I do not take care of the entire bill when we go out, unless we're on a romantic date or it's my treat.
1. I do not talk much and I've been like that all my life and I like being like that. So don't expect the unexpected from me.
1. When we like some girl., we like them coz they ALSO look good., not ONLY coz they look good.
1. Don't stereotype men coz of a few rascals that u've encountered., no one is perfect and not everybody is the same.
I know i'm gonna very sweet comments on this from girls., but this is wat I want to say to all the girls I know and many guys wud like to do the same to the girls they know. There's one point to remember here., wat u see is wat u get., the above stuff is very frankly said., but we mean it and inspite of all that., we're not bad ppl.
Tuesday, October 03, 2006
Got problems...? Welcome to the club !!
'Whiner' status : These are the regular faces at the club., cry about everything that's ever happened to them since their birth. Such ppl complain bout things from their chocolate milk not being chocolaty enuf., bout a hot summer day being hot., bout the sun not comin out of hiding on a cloudy day., bout a movie being bad coz the seats were not comfy enuf and the list goes on. If you are one of those who think that you're the most unfortunate person in the world coz ur dad gave u a bike with unlimited petrol., a cell phone whose bill can feed an entire middleclass family for a month but gives u a 100 bucks less allowance than your friend., then you're gonna feel like at home in this club.
Then there are the 'Dejected', the bummed-out ppl of the society who believe life's never been fair to them and punish themselves for everything that happens to them. Sad., gloomy., mopish., shabby and with dark circles around their eyes and an unshaven face., they're not that hard to find. They look like devdas from the movies minus the dhoti and in rare cases minus the liqour. Lost paro and lost everything in life is what they believe and can also be a lil suicidal at times. If you've lost somebody or something and buy the idea that life has no other goal., then welcome rite in !
The emotionally Demure are those who, like everyone of us have problems but don't complain. They talk about it to their closed ones., some looking for some kind of solution., some for help or support and some just to comfort and relieve their heart the burden of living with the problem. Ppl of this kind are relatively matured., know when to talk and when to cry and usually have good friends who listen to them. But still the signs of their troubled mind is not unnoticable.
Finally., the Nonchalant variety., carefree., happy and almost always cheerful to themselves and to others., no small problem will wipe 'the glow' off their faces and even during the worst times their cheerful disposition always sees the light of the next day without a scratch. They know how to deal with their problems and how to do it without complaining. They live life., love life and learn from it.
Pretty long post.. I know ! The main point of this post is that Life's all about choices., how you live your life now and how your life flows on in the future depends on whom among the above you choose to be. You got only one life., make it worth living., it's yours., no one will do it for you. Cheers !!!
Monday, October 02, 2006
Here's a new site that will help u "Find out what's going on in your town!". This kind of stuff is pretty handy when we need specific info bout our city/town. It's pretty new., catchin on pretty well i guess., I just thought I'd do free publicity 4 them coz the more active members there., the better it works. The coffeeclubs section has caught my attention., lets see if it's cool. Try it out., its free.
Sunday, October 01, 2006
Lage raho Munnabhai... seriously !
The best part about this movie, or both the movies to me is the concept of using a mumbai bhai to teach us, 'the society' ., a few lessons that we usually wud yawn at or turn away 4m. Brilliant ! The first movie tries to teache so many small but important lessons like respecting every body as a human no matter what they are., trust and honesty with our loved ones., that every relation needs respect be it with family or friends., that it takes gutts to apologize and my fav : it doesnt hurt to bend the rules to get something really good that you want as long as you're not breaking them. Munnabhai can be really be turned into a sequence of movies to try n remind of ppl of these small lessons that make life a lil better !
Gandhi's principles would be.., i donno, wat's the word..,a misfit perhaps ., in today's world. It prob'ly not as efficient at getting things done as in the movie., but atleast everybody feels it's pssbl after watchin the movie. Now., that., is putting to good use the power of movie magic and popularity and admiration the stars hav from the public. Sounds a lil' crazy but I guess if anybody or anything has the power to get some common sense or nonsense into somebody's head., it's the movies !